Inspire In Education Limited

Inspire in Education Limited (IIE) is an innovative educational organisation servicing the needs of Māori learners aged 10 – 14yrs now and in the future. IIE uses a kaupapa Māori approach to release the potential of Māori learners and their whānau in English-medium schools.
IIE’s mission is to help foster an educational environment that focuses on the importance of the Treaty of Waitangi in education. IIE is passionate about the facilitation of connections between mana whenua and schools. IIE recognises the importance of engaging relationships that will help learners and their whānau thrive.
Conrad Waitoa from Havelock North of (Ngāti Kahungunu/Ngāti Porou), a passionate local educator and businessperson, founded IIE in 2017. Kaumatua Papa Tom Mulligan | Patron Pita Sharples | Directors Kirsty Kupa | Dawn Murton
IIE offers a range of educational mentoring programs designed to suit the needs of each learner, their whānau, and the schooling community.
The organisation also provides a range of professional learning and development services to assist schools with Māori cultural competence standards and Māori curriculum design.

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