The founders of Hawke’s Bay’s business of the year are celebrating their new title, saying it is a plaudit that should be shared around the whole region.
After Hawke’s Bay Technologies was named “business of the year” at the annual PAN PAC Hawke’s Bay Business Awards presented by the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce on Friday night, co-founder Duncan Wallace pointed out the importance of local co-operation.
“As Hawke’s Bay businesses we just need to make sure we are supporting each other. By using Hawke’s Bay businesses that will create jobs and a more vibrant Hawke’s Bay. I’m super-passionate about Hawke’s Bay.
“We only use local providers because the standard of local suppliers is as good, if not better, than what you get nationally.”
Posted: Duncan and Amanda Wallace from HB Technologies in Napier winners of the HB Business of the Year For more on this and other great Hawke’s Bay stories go to Posted: 23 November 2018