Hōhepa win two awards in two months

Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay has won the Inclusive and Diverse Workplace award at the Good Employer Awards in August hosted by the Ministry of Primary Industries at Parliament.

The award recognises employers who have implemented initiatives to support an inclusive and diverse culture.

A delegation of 11 people from Hōhepa travelled to Wellington to attend and were very proud to represent the Hōhepa community at Parliament and accept the award.

Hōhepa also received a special mention and was awarded a certificate as a finalist in the Employee Development Award. This award recognises employers who have put in place an effective employee development programme.

Minister Damien O’Connor said the Primary Industries Good Employer Awards celebrate and shine a light on employers who put their teams at the heart of their businesses.

”All of the finalists and winners in this year’s Good Employer Awards should be incredibly proud. They set the benchmark for providing productive, safe, supportive, and healthy work environments,” he said.

Late July Hōhepa we’re also awarded the Resilience Award from New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) and DAA. This highlights their commitment and dedication to ensure they can respond and recover swiftly to continue providing resilient support for people. “It is our people who are at the heart of our response and it is our culture which we acknowledge and celebrate by receiving this award.”