Prime Minister Jacinda Adern has asked businesses to prepare for life at each level after lockdown.
One thing is for sure, life will never be the way it was. There will be an increased awareness of personal distance and remote working will become the new norm not the exception.
Hawkes Bay business Engage Learning has been supporting large corporations and government departments in NZ and Australia with their learning and development needs over the last 5 years. Director Lindsey Marshall says: “There has been a real push in the ability to work and learn remotely over the last few years. This became imperative after the Kaikoura quake where many government departments discovered overnight they couldn’t come into the office. This drove an urgent need for Office 365 implementation which provided good base functionality for staff to be able to communicate and perform work remotely.”
What of staff development and learning though? Most large organisations have spent thousands of dollars on their Learning Management Systems or LMS’s over the last few years, however, it has really only been large organisations that could afford the luxury of an LMS until now, according to Marshall.
In this remote working environment it is imperative small to medium sized businesses need to recruit and to be able to upskill their staff remotely, but how?
“Many smaller organisations would really benefit from an LMS right now which can deliver all of their staff training including induction, code of conduct, health and safety training and of course how to work effectively from home.”
As specialists in digital transformation, Engage Learning brings the latest Learning technology to the table.
“We specialise in rapid eLearning development and distribution and converting traditional face to face training into eLearning. The large and ‘heavy’ web-based Learning Management Systems of yesterday are being disrupted by new ‘light’ cloud-based systems. These are low cost, versatile and scalable with the needs of your business” says the director of Engage Learning.
Having helped many large organisations like NZDF, MBIE, Barnardos, Hohepa and Dept of Family & Community Services NSW, Marshall is now bringing an entry level solution specifically designed for small businesses. This features a free LMS for up to 5 users, and 10 courses.
“It is our way of giving back to the smaller end of the market. We can even offer some generic courses if you don’t have any of your own material. Organisations around the world need to think outside the square and that is what we are doing.” says the learning management specialist.
Solutions for a remote workforce
To assist small businesses to prepare for the post covid-19 future, Engage Learning is offering special eLearning packages for small business, focusing on eLearning, blended learning and industry training.
Learning Management System
Recognising small business are in unfamiliar territory at the moment, Engage Learning are offering a FREE Learning Management System or LMS. This special offer provides licences for 5 users (ideal for small businesses) and up to 10 eLearning programmes.
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